Saturday, March 27, 2010

Devendra Outtakes

Devendra and Ruby Aldridge
Photographed at milk studios LA by Lauren Dukoff
Styled by me

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't Forget

yes please.

thank you.

Choose your own fate

"An image is a stop the mind makes between uncertainties."
- my namesake, Djuna Barnes

she is also quoted in Nightwood

"I’m a fart in a gale of wind, a humble violet, under a cow pat. "

Drawing from Book of Repulsive Women

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tracy Morgan

my Bust cover with Tracy Morgan came out
shot by Ramona Rosales

and apparently i am a praying mantis creature

Never gets old: MALARIA

Miu Miu Swallow Shoes

a few months ago when i shot these shoes i became pretty obsessed with owning them.

now they are completely sold out worldwide.

super bummer. i am a 39.5

Friday, March 19, 2010

more things i like

me and my rhythm box

All your costumes are just participation in some kind of phoney theater. I'm only telling you this for your own good. It's a freak show.

Bring back Anne Carlisle

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cigg Glasses

glasses made by LAUREN MACHEN with Haus of Gaga



it's officially spring on both coasts! yay LA! yay NY!

here's a little vintage bathingsuit story that just came out in Foam magazine shot by the awesome and multi-talented Kassia Meador.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Primitives

unfortunately my Primatives cover band only has one member.

hint of what's to come...

coming soon...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Beck and Charlotte Gainsbourg for the cover of Filter

i love it!
shot by Michael Muller
styled by me

L'uomo Vogue

I'm styling L'uomo Vogue once again with the lovely and talented (who also happens to be one of my besties) Lauren Dukoff.

be sure to check for b roll as well

here are some of my favorite L'uomo covers and stories of all time.

styled by HeatherMary Jackson and i believe both shot by Steven Klein

Ethan Hawke

and appropriately, Jared Leto

Sophie Ward

Sophie and her equally amazing boyfriend Jon Ramos

my lovely and amazing friend Sophie Ward is an amazing writer and one of the kindest people i have ever met.

she's also quite lovely on the outside.

here is a video she helped narrate for the aussie line Lover

i also love sophie's blog

Sophie's Blog

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Simon Haas

Simon's Website

Simon is a really talented artist friend of mine

simon is a talented artist and friend of mine.

he's also obsessed with Klaus Nomi

Amanda Donohoe in Lair of the White Worm vs Mona Soyoc of KaS Product


achem, WORK

my friend Gloria Noto's new magazine